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Hi to all my friends,

This blog is created for sharing views and thoughts about the issue and problem that we may face nowaday. You're free to comment and post your views on the issue discussed.

I take this chances to welcome your comments and please made this blog useful as it can be for our own advantages and benefits.

Lastly, hope you guys enjoy this blog and i will frequently update my blog as much as possible.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Fatine Young Controversy Issue

What is the end of this controversies? What are lies behind it?
Of course for the muslim and Islam inself, this issue has make us worried.

Give me your views and opinion guys, so that we can save our friend to be back here again..
For you Mohd Fadzil, beack to the beginning..we want you to be our truly Malaysian again.

1 comment:

  1. she is a repulsive scammer and a shame to malasia she huts people and distroys lives
    she should see she sould be shamed ant set home to face all the people she insulted
    ian young her distroyed husband
